Monday, November 07, 2005

Robots, Donuts, and Hover technology

Rocknor's Donut Factory is a clever puzzle game that combines Robots, Donuts, and Hover technology into a wild blend of conniving puzzles that takes creativity, experimentation, and good old-fashioned trial-and-error to solve. check it out now!

Friday, November 04, 2005


Holding an ace isn't always the best way to go. When you play poker it is always good to remember that regular players will hold on to their aces. They will play just about any ace they see all the way to the river in most cases. Here are the best aces to play in order from top to bottom.

Rank Percent and Hole Cards

1. 86% - A-A pair
3. 68% - A-K suited
5. 67% - A-K unsuited
6. 64% - A-Q suited
9. 60% - A-Q unsuited
10. 58% - A-J suited
14. 50% - A-10 suited
15. 48% - A-J unsuited
18. 41% - A-8 suited
20. 40% - A-9 suited
25. 34% - A-10 unsuited
26. 33% - A-7 suited
27. 30% - A-4 suited
28. 29% - A-5 suited
29. 29% - A-6 suited
33. 21% - A-3 suited
36. 20% - A-2 suited
39. 17% - A-9 unsuited
41. 10% - A-7 unsuited
42. 10% - A-8 unsuited
43. 9% - A-6 unsuited
46. 9% - A-4 unsuited
49. 9% - A-5 unsuited
54. 8% - A-2 unsuited
57. 8% - A-3 unsuited

The top ten pocket ace hands head to head with the bottom 15 clearly have an advantage. When playing remember most beginning to moderate player will play most to all hands with an ace. Unless both cards pair up on the flop an ace paired with the board can lead you into a world of pain.
There are 169 differnet starting hands in Texas Hold'em Poker. Out of these I have put together the bottom ten pocket hands.

160. 5-2 unsuited
161. 4-3 unsuited
162. 10-2 unsuited
163. 8-2 suited
164. 6-5 unsuited
165. 5-3 unsuited
166. 3-2 unsuited
167. 6-4 unsuited
168. 6-3 unsuited
169. 6-2 unsuited

When these hands are played heads up against other hands they will win less than 1% of the time with 6-2 unsuited and 6-3 unsuited winning less than 0.2% of the time. These are the rags of the rags. You may feel you are brave to play these cards but really it's just stupid.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

There are 169 differnet starting hands in Texas Hold'em Poker. Out of these I have put together the top ten pocket hands.

1. A-A pair
2. K-K pair
3. A-K suited
4. Q-Q pair
5. A-K unsuited
6. A-Q suited
7. J-J pair
8. 10-10 pair
9. A-Q unsuited
10. A-J suited

When these hands are played heads up against other hands they will win over 55% of the time with A-A and K-K winning over 75% of the time. "Big Slick" or A-K suited or unsuited win just under 70% of the time.